Beyond academic journals

Walton, G. (4 December 2019). Bullying won’t be curbed until we figure out what fuels it. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Walton, G. (19 November 2019). Ron MacLean evades the real problem of Don Cherry’s ‘you people’ remarks. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Walton, G. (7 November 2018). “Boy erased”: Why conversation therapies and ex-gay ministries should be outlawed. The Conversation.

Walton, G. (16 October 2018). Harnessing the power of fear. The Conversation.

Walton, G. (16 October 2017). What rape culture says about masculinity. The Conversation.

Walton, G. (20 February 2017). Can you imagine Mary Richards as a radical queer? A special issue of Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture called Women & television comedy: A Tribute to Mary Tyler Moore.

Walton, G. (2017 January 9). Academic underperformers must be called out. University Affairs.

Walton, G. (1 June 2016). Unfinished business. The Good Men Project.

Walton, G. and Sensoy, Ö. (2014). Istanbul gone wild: An examination of language, discourse, and education on safety. Our Schools / Our Selves, 23 (4), 87 – 99.

Walton, G. and Russell, C. (8 January 2014). Fat-shaming, sexism and Rob Ford: A discussion on fatphobia and bullying.

Walton, G. (2 August 2013). How men can fight sexual harassment. The Good Men Project.

Walton, G. (29 June 2013). Some of my best friends are straight. The Good Men Project. 

Walton, G. (2011). LGBT lessons (not) learned: Dominant gender ideology as a basis for transphobic and homophobic violence. Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (official blog).

Walton, G. (2008). Bullying at school: What we should know, and what we ought to do. Primary Leadership Today, 13.